Friday, July 25, 2008

Kiva Loan in Need of Help

I got this in my in-box today. I added to my loan and hope those of you out there in blogland will consider helping too.

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Dear Kirsten Quint Fairbanks,

You have loaned to Ema Laufiso's Group, a loan which has been fundraising for 25 days, and has raised $500 of $2,125.

Kiva currently expires loans that have been fundraising for more than 30 days. This means that the loan for Ema Laufiso's Group will expire in 5 days.

What can you do?

Tell your friends! And forward them this link:

If the loan cannot raise $1,625.00 in the next 5 days, it will expire, and no funds will be sent to the entrepreneur. Raised funds will instead be refunded as Kiva Credit into the lender's account.


- The Kiva Team